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{Sunday, September 04, 2005}

My Bunion has a blister.

Yesterday I went to my cousin's wedding. It was an outdoor event in a small town in NC. It reminded me a lot of the kind of weddings you often see on TV. There were a few fun surprises, like when my cousin played the trumpet during his wedding service. It was a nice event, but I'm not connected with him as I am with many of my other cousins that I grew up with. I did see some aunts and uncles who are scattered across the U.S. that I haven't seen in a long time, but their children, the cousins I grew up with, couldn't make it.
Today I stopped by my niece's new restaurant on the way to church. I picked up some fliers that I later handed out at a nearby small town art festival. This is not the most fun thing to do, but there aren't too many ways for me to help them out in their new business. Sometime when I was handing out fliers a blister developed on my bunion.

The weight loss thing is going pretty good. It has been 2 months now since I have eaten out.

My kitty, sewer kat, has now been to the vet 2 times in the last week. He is not quite himself. First the accident in the blinds, then the yearly vaccinations seemed to have taken their toll.

posted by Caroline 9/04/2005 06:46:00 PM

{Saturday, August 27, 2005}

After a not horrible day at work. I was thinking I had made it through the day without anything really bad happening. I got off work , then stopped at the dollar store , and grocery store and then headed home to walk the dogs .Then I would be able to sit down, eat, and put in a DVD. As I have said before my kitty, aka, sewer kat likes to climb in the front window when we are walking and try to escape out the front door when I am bringing the doggies in. Tonight when I was approaching the front door I noticed the blinds were shaking considerably more than they usually do. I walked in and saw kitty hanging upside down by his back leg toenail, his leg twisted around and his eyes bulging and he was making a terrible sound. Naturally, I panicked .The dogs quickly got out of the way. I tried to get the cat's leg free from the blinds, but it didn't work. Then I ran for the scissors that I just bought at the dollar store, but I decided to just use my hands again and support the cats body that was hanging in a mangled mess. Unfortunately, the cat grabbed me with his free front two paws and held me tightly with his claws. I finally freed myself from his grip and with bloodied hands managed to free his back leg. I'm not sure how he is, but he has his annual physical on Tuesday and if he is not doing okay tomorrow, I will bring him in on Monday instead. Hopefully no trips tonight to the emergency vet and no broken bones.

posted by Caroline 8/27/2005 08:19:00 PM

{Tuesday, August 02, 2005}

I've recently decided to lose a few lbs., and to go the cutting the calories route instead of eating or not eating a particular group of foods. One day I ate about 900 calories in one day and then realized that I am supposed to be eating at least 1300 just to maintain normal bodily functions and that if I go too low in calories I won't lose anything because my body will think it is starving itself. And I do know that I was quite anorexic-like in the high school years and early 20's. Now I am actually having fun finding foods with low calories and eating healthy(healthier anyway). People usually lose 2.5 lbs a week if they are cutting calories. It may not seem like much, but I guess it can really add up over time. I am hoping to lose 10lbs. before I have my foot surgery. Because as I learned from my last surgery, sitting around for over a month can do bad things to you body.

I am thinking about buying a popcorn air popper. I really like popcorn and the microwave stuff has a lot more calories than the air popped kind. I had an air popper that I had just loved as a kid.

Good Luck to me

posted by Caroline 8/02/2005 09:02:00 AM

{Thursday, July 07, 2005}


When I was at work this morning I looked up from the front desk. In the window directly across from me there was a deer looking back at me.

posted by Caroline 7/07/2005 09:17:00 PM

{Friday, July 01, 2005}

Since I've been gone, I've gotten a new boss and a new computer system at work. I've gotten Netflix and so far had 2 DVDs that have arrived shattered in the mail. I think I might need to go out a personal talk with my mail carrier today. I've seen him drop the mail basket to the concrete from about the height of 5 ft.. There are just too many DVDs I want to watch to have hold ups like this. It 's the 4th of July on Monday. It's never been my favorite holiday, just like New Years I have never had that great of a time on these holidays. I really enjoy watching fireworks too. I guess I have always expected too much. So this year I am not expecting anything great. Less disappointment, hopefully more fun. Memorial Day weekend I saw my the guy who was my boyfriend when I was 20. It was a really strange experience. I guess you always feel that way about your first love...

posted by Caroline 7/01/2005 10:16:00 AM

{Friday, May 06, 2005}

I guess you could say I am a sensitive person. You could also say that I am especially sensitive about my feet. From the teenage years on up I have had foot problems . So when the doctor told me at my annual physical in December that I should go see a podiatrist and handed me the name of a man podiatrist, I cringed and I just let things go for a few months. Some women won't go to a male gynecologist, I have been to both, but a man foot doctor !$#@*!. Last week a co-worker recommended a female podiatrist. I then made quick call and got an appointment. I went, and found out what I knew all along. My feet are really bad, and it's genetic. I called my mom to jokingly tell her she passed some bad genes on to me . She passed the blame to my dead father. Ha. So the outcome of all this is I am to take anti-inflammatory a few months and get special shoes(there goes my sexy look) and possibly have foot surgery in my future.
Speaking of future...
There was a time when a guy named Omarr used to write the daily horoscopes in the paper. The horoscopes were quite fun then and I usually clipped mine out on my birthday. I found this one dating from 1996. I saved it because I thought it was funny, and also because I never throw things out.

If today is your birthday, you are independent,mysterious, glamorous,at times your most severe critic. You are sensitive, psychic, perceptive,moody. During most delicate times you are apt to blurt out,"My feet hurt!" Pisces,Virgo persons play fascinating roles in your life.You are headstrong,romantic, dynamic and on more than one occasion you reflect"What I did for love!"

New additions to my favorite things list


Netflix queue

P.S. I have lost the ability to spell

posted by Caroline 5/06/2005 11:33:00 AM

{Sunday, May 01, 2005}

Yesterday I went to a see a play at a local children's theater. The son of one of my co-workers was in it . I recognized a couple of other kids in the play too. When you know someone in a play it always makes going to see a play more fun. I really should go to this sort of thing more often. During the play the smoke machine used for the effects produced a little too much smoke. I noticed the light starting to flash on the smoke detectors and then the alarm sounded loudly. The kids just tried to keep doing the play over the alarm. In a couple of minutes an announcement came over the intercom to exit the building. We waited outside while the fire trucks came and firefighters checked out the building. In about ten minutes we went back in and the play continued where it left off. A lot of excitement for just 5 bucks.

Later last night I got a call from my niece inviting me over to today for a Greek Easter. I guess I will find out the details about this later, but I expect it has something to do with the calendar. So about 10 minutes to 12 last night I picked up a bouquet of flowers for my niece's mother-in-law at the grocery store.

New addition to favorite things list

posted by Caroline 5/01/2005 11:01:00 AM

{Thursday, April 21, 2005}


Wow. so many fellas flirting with me yesterday. I wonder what it could be. Maybe it's my sexy new underwear.

posted by Caroline 4/21/2005 09:26:00 AM

{Monday, March 14, 2005}

Yesterday was the most beautiful day. I even got up early and walked the dogs. Went to church. Ate breakfast foods at lunch at IHOP with my mom. Came home and walked the dogs again, and chatted with many people in my complex. Later I had an iced caramel coffee drink at Caribou Coffee for free(coupon) with a friend and sat outside on the patio there and enjoyed more of the beautiful day. By the evening I noticed the skin on my face was tight and I might have gotten a little too much sun. Today I took a day off from work. Today the weather was not good, it was a good day to stay in. Unfortunately, I had to get my car serviced. While I waited for my car two seniors both owned hearing aids, but neither had them with them ( I learned this from them) disccussed their various health problems and and health stories. One told the story of how they died at the hospital and saw the light and then came back to life. Not to leave me out they noticed the book I was reading about Tatum O'Neal, and told me I looked like her when she was little.

posted by Caroline 3/14/2005 10:56:00 PM

{Saturday, February 26, 2005}

Why don't they understand

I am taking a break from going through stuff. I have been shredding papers, filling trash bags full of junk, and filling my recycle bin full of newpapers. Things were pretty bad when I just got the weekend newspaper, but now that I get a weeks worth I fear that someone will put me on one of those reality shows. As I sit a the computer I have the movie "Garden State" playing. There are dogs barking in the movie, and my two pups, Big Loo and Little Winky, are barking too. I am yelling at them "T.V. dogs, T.V. dogs", but they don't seem to understand. I am feeling good though, because I have had a productive day. I have found the prescription for the chest X-ray that the doctor gave me almost a month ago, and a newspaper clipping that I was saving for my niece. I think I will bring my niece the newpaper clipping and maybe go to the hospital and get the chest x-ray sometime this weekend. So I'm going to go for now.

posted by Caroline 2/26/2005 03:03:00 PM

{Friday, January 28, 2005}

Can anyone remember how many days are in a month without singing that little song?

posted by Caroline 1/28/2005 11:57:00 PM

{Sunday, January 23, 2005}

I'm just sitting here trying to figure out how I'm going to get up and get to work tomorrow since I think I might have tonsillitis and it's supposed to be 10 degrees in the morning. I had a little scare when I tried to open my trunk tonight and it wouldn't open and the remaining dog food cans were in there. The button on my keyless remote didn't work and the lever on the floor of the car didn't work either. I thought there was a way to get in through the back seats, but I couldn't figure out how to move them down. I thought of looking at the manual and realized that was in the trunk too. It finally opened the trunk the old fashioned way with the key. So Big Loo and Little Winky will be able to eat. I don't think they would be satisfied with treats. I ran out of cat food last week , but I just gave Krazy Kat a.k.a. Sewer Cat a bowl of kitty treats.

I went out to the big library book sale today. I got a grocery bag full of books for $1. At the book sale I also found a video that I went looking for at the book sale 2 years ago. I got the video included in the price of $1.
Life is funny sometimes
Why won't this post!!!!!!!

posted by Caroline 1/23/2005 11:20:00 PM

{Sunday, January 09, 2005}

Last week was not good. I have been out of sorts in many ways. Mostly I have been getting up at three every morning. I have also had bouts of sadness. I guess it's to be expected, it's just the strangest things that have brought it on. A few songs, like the New Years song, "Auld Lang Syne" and the Christmas song that has the words "if the fates allow". Also when I went to the doctor about two weeks ago ( I got food posioning) there was an elderly man in the waiting room with his daughter, I suddenly felt like I was going to burst out crying. Today I met my mom for lunch and then followed her to the cemetary. The cemetary visit was was okay, no marker up yet.

I have been making use of my new VCR. Alot of the older movies aren't on DVD that is why I still like to have a VCR besides the DVD player that I have. Plus I can get lots of free movies at the library to watch. I am still trying to convince my neice she should watch "Bringing Up Baby". It was made in 1938, but it still holds up as a great comedy. As I told her "Baby" isn't a baby.
So if you've never seen it, get it, watch it, enjoy it!

posted by Caroline 1/09/2005 04:23:00 PM
