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{Tuesday, August 02, 2005}

I've recently decided to lose a few lbs., and to go the cutting the calories route instead of eating or not eating a particular group of foods. One day I ate about 900 calories in one day and then realized that I am supposed to be eating at least 1300 just to maintain normal bodily functions and that if I go too low in calories I won't lose anything because my body will think it is starving itself. And I do know that I was quite anorexic-like in the high school years and early 20's. Now I am actually having fun finding foods with low calories and eating healthy(healthier anyway). People usually lose 2.5 lbs a week if they are cutting calories. It may not seem like much, but I guess it can really add up over time. I am hoping to lose 10lbs. before I have my foot surgery. Because as I learned from my last surgery, sitting around for over a month can do bad things to you body.

I am thinking about buying a popcorn air popper. I really like popcorn and the microwave stuff has a lot more calories than the air popped kind. I had an air popper that I had just loved as a kid.

Good Luck to me

posted by Caroline 8/02/2005 09:02:00 AM

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