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{Sunday, May 01, 2005}

Yesterday I went to a see a play at a local children's theater. The son of one of my co-workers was in it . I recognized a couple of other kids in the play too. When you know someone in a play it always makes going to see a play more fun. I really should go to this sort of thing more often. During the play the smoke machine used for the effects produced a little too much smoke. I noticed the light starting to flash on the smoke detectors and then the alarm sounded loudly. The kids just tried to keep doing the play over the alarm. In a couple of minutes an announcement came over the intercom to exit the building. We waited outside while the fire trucks came and firefighters checked out the building. In about ten minutes we went back in and the play continued where it left off. A lot of excitement for just 5 bucks.

Later last night I got a call from my niece inviting me over to today for a Greek Easter. I guess I will find out the details about this later, but I expect it has something to do with the calendar. So about 10 minutes to 12 last night I picked up a bouquet of flowers for my niece's mother-in-law at the grocery store.

New addition to favorite things list

posted by Caroline 5/01/2005 11:01:00 AM

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