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{Sunday, January 23, 2005}

I'm just sitting here trying to figure out how I'm going to get up and get to work tomorrow since I think I might have tonsillitis and it's supposed to be 10 degrees in the morning. I had a little scare when I tried to open my trunk tonight and it wouldn't open and the remaining dog food cans were in there. The button on my keyless remote didn't work and the lever on the floor of the car didn't work either. I thought there was a way to get in through the back seats, but I couldn't figure out how to move them down. I thought of looking at the manual and realized that was in the trunk too. It finally opened the trunk the old fashioned way with the key. So Big Loo and Little Winky will be able to eat. I don't think they would be satisfied with treats. I ran out of cat food last week , but I just gave Krazy Kat a.k.a. Sewer Cat a bowl of kitty treats.

I went out to the big library book sale today. I got a grocery bag full of books for $1. At the book sale I also found a video that I went looking for at the book sale 2 years ago. I got the video included in the price of $1.
Life is funny sometimes
Why won't this post!!!!!!!

posted by Caroline 1/23/2005 11:20:00 PM

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