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{Friday, July 01, 2005}

Since I've been gone, I've gotten a new boss and a new computer system at work. I've gotten Netflix and so far had 2 DVDs that have arrived shattered in the mail. I think I might need to go out a personal talk with my mail carrier today. I've seen him drop the mail basket to the concrete from about the height of 5 ft.. There are just too many DVDs I want to watch to have hold ups like this. It 's the 4th of July on Monday. It's never been my favorite holiday, just like New Years I have never had that great of a time on these holidays. I really enjoy watching fireworks too. I guess I have always expected too much. So this year I am not expecting anything great. Less disappointment, hopefully more fun. Memorial Day weekend I saw my the guy who was my boyfriend when I was 20. It was a really strange experience. I guess you always feel that way about your first love...

posted by Caroline 7/01/2005 10:16:00 AM

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