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{Sunday, January 09, 2005}

Last week was not good. I have been out of sorts in many ways. Mostly I have been getting up at three every morning. I have also had bouts of sadness. I guess it's to be expected, it's just the strangest things that have brought it on. A few songs, like the New Years song, "Auld Lang Syne" and the Christmas song that has the words "if the fates allow". Also when I went to the doctor about two weeks ago ( I got food posioning) there was an elderly man in the waiting room with his daughter, I suddenly felt like I was going to burst out crying. Today I met my mom for lunch and then followed her to the cemetary. The cemetary visit was was okay, no marker up yet.

I have been making use of my new VCR. Alot of the older movies aren't on DVD that is why I still like to have a VCR besides the DVD player that I have. Plus I can get lots of free movies at the library to watch. I am still trying to convince my neice she should watch "Bringing Up Baby". It was made in 1938, but it still holds up as a great comedy. As I told her "Baby" isn't a baby.
So if you've never seen it, get it, watch it, enjoy it!

posted by Caroline 1/09/2005 04:23:00 PM

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