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{Friday, May 06, 2005}

I guess you could say I am a sensitive person. You could also say that I am especially sensitive about my feet. From the teenage years on up I have had foot problems . So when the doctor told me at my annual physical in December that I should go see a podiatrist and handed me the name of a man podiatrist, I cringed and I just let things go for a few months. Some women won't go to a male gynecologist, I have been to both, but a man foot doctor !$#@*!. Last week a co-worker recommended a female podiatrist. I then made quick call and got an appointment. I went, and found out what I knew all along. My feet are really bad, and it's genetic. I called my mom to jokingly tell her she passed some bad genes on to me . She passed the blame to my dead father. Ha. So the outcome of all this is I am to take anti-inflammatory a few months and get special shoes(there goes my sexy look) and possibly have foot surgery in my future.
Speaking of future...
There was a time when a guy named Omarr used to write the daily horoscopes in the paper. The horoscopes were quite fun then and I usually clipped mine out on my birthday. I found this one dating from 1996. I saved it because I thought it was funny, and also because I never throw things out.

If today is your birthday, you are independent,mysterious, glamorous,at times your most severe critic. You are sensitive, psychic, perceptive,moody. During most delicate times you are apt to blurt out,"My feet hurt!" Pisces,Virgo persons play fascinating roles in your life.You are headstrong,romantic, dynamic and on more than one occasion you reflect"What I did for love!"

New additions to my favorite things list


Netflix queue

P.S. I have lost the ability to spell

posted by Caroline 5/06/2005 11:33:00 AM

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