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{Monday, March 14, 2005}

Yesterday was the most beautiful day. I even got up early and walked the dogs. Went to church. Ate breakfast foods at lunch at IHOP with my mom. Came home and walked the dogs again, and chatted with many people in my complex. Later I had an iced caramel coffee drink at Caribou Coffee for free(coupon) with a friend and sat outside on the patio there and enjoyed more of the beautiful day. By the evening I noticed the skin on my face was tight and I might have gotten a little too much sun. Today I took a day off from work. Today the weather was not good, it was a good day to stay in. Unfortunately, I had to get my car serviced. While I waited for my car two seniors both owned hearing aids, but neither had them with them ( I learned this from them) disccussed their various health problems and and health stories. One told the story of how they died at the hospital and saw the light and then came back to life. Not to leave me out they noticed the book I was reading about Tatum O'Neal, and told me I looked like her when she was little.

posted by Caroline 3/14/2005 10:56:00 PM

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