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{Saturday, August 27, 2005}

After a not horrible day at work. I was thinking I had made it through the day without anything really bad happening. I got off work , then stopped at the dollar store , and grocery store and then headed home to walk the dogs .Then I would be able to sit down, eat, and put in a DVD. As I have said before my kitty, aka, sewer kat likes to climb in the front window when we are walking and try to escape out the front door when I am bringing the doggies in. Tonight when I was approaching the front door I noticed the blinds were shaking considerably more than they usually do. I walked in and saw kitty hanging upside down by his back leg toenail, his leg twisted around and his eyes bulging and he was making a terrible sound. Naturally, I panicked .The dogs quickly got out of the way. I tried to get the cat's leg free from the blinds, but it didn't work. Then I ran for the scissors that I just bought at the dollar store, but I decided to just use my hands again and support the cats body that was hanging in a mangled mess. Unfortunately, the cat grabbed me with his free front two paws and held me tightly with his claws. I finally freed myself from his grip and with bloodied hands managed to free his back leg. I'm not sure how he is, but he has his annual physical on Tuesday and if he is not doing okay tomorrow, I will bring him in on Monday instead. Hopefully no trips tonight to the emergency vet and no broken bones.

posted by Caroline 8/27/2005 08:19:00 PM

{Tuesday, August 02, 2005}

I've recently decided to lose a few lbs., and to go the cutting the calories route instead of eating or not eating a particular group of foods. One day I ate about 900 calories in one day and then realized that I am supposed to be eating at least 1300 just to maintain normal bodily functions and that if I go too low in calories I won't lose anything because my body will think it is starving itself. And I do know that I was quite anorexic-like in the high school years and early 20's. Now I am actually having fun finding foods with low calories and eating healthy(healthier anyway). People usually lose 2.5 lbs a week if they are cutting calories. It may not seem like much, but I guess it can really add up over time. I am hoping to lose 10lbs. before I have my foot surgery. Because as I learned from my last surgery, sitting around for over a month can do bad things to you body.

I am thinking about buying a popcorn air popper. I really like popcorn and the microwave stuff has a lot more calories than the air popped kind. I had an air popper that I had just loved as a kid.

Good Luck to me

posted by Caroline 8/02/2005 09:02:00 AM
