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{Sunday, September 04, 2005}

My Bunion has a blister.

Yesterday I went to my cousin's wedding. It was an outdoor event in a small town in NC. It reminded me a lot of the kind of weddings you often see on TV. There were a few fun surprises, like when my cousin played the trumpet during his wedding service. It was a nice event, but I'm not connected with him as I am with many of my other cousins that I grew up with. I did see some aunts and uncles who are scattered across the U.S. that I haven't seen in a long time, but their children, the cousins I grew up with, couldn't make it.
Today I stopped by my niece's new restaurant on the way to church. I picked up some fliers that I later handed out at a nearby small town art festival. This is not the most fun thing to do, but there aren't too many ways for me to help them out in their new business. Sometime when I was handing out fliers a blister developed on my bunion.

The weight loss thing is going pretty good. It has been 2 months now since I have eaten out.

My kitty, sewer kat, has now been to the vet 2 times in the last week. He is not quite himself. First the accident in the blinds, then the yearly vaccinations seemed to have taken their toll.

posted by Caroline 9/04/2005 06:46:00 PM
