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{Saturday, February 26, 2005}

Why don't they understand

I am taking a break from going through stuff. I have been shredding papers, filling trash bags full of junk, and filling my recycle bin full of newpapers. Things were pretty bad when I just got the weekend newspaper, but now that I get a weeks worth I fear that someone will put me on one of those reality shows. As I sit a the computer I have the movie "Garden State" playing. There are dogs barking in the movie, and my two pups, Big Loo and Little Winky, are barking too. I am yelling at them "T.V. dogs, T.V. dogs", but they don't seem to understand. I am feeling good though, because I have had a productive day. I have found the prescription for the chest X-ray that the doctor gave me almost a month ago, and a newspaper clipping that I was saving for my niece. I think I will bring my niece the newpaper clipping and maybe go to the hospital and get the chest x-ray sometime this weekend. So I'm going to go for now.

posted by Caroline 2/26/2005 03:03:00 PM
